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Williams, Sebia

(Greene County, Alabama, Alice Barton)

Sebia Williams an ex-slave of Green County looks on the days of slavery as being the happiest days of her life.

Mr. Ben Williams, her master, lived in the northern part of Green County.

Sebia does not know her age. She says she remembers when Eutaw was a forest and when negroes were put upon a block and sold to the highest bidder. She also remembers when the first homes were built. From what she tells she must be about one-hundred years old. She is very feeble and her hair is almost white.

"Did you like to be a slave?" She said, "Yes, Miss, if I got sick my master got me medcin; if I needed clothes he show got them." "Did you have plenty to eat?" I asked. "Yes Miss, my master was show good to me we had plenty to eat; we did not have dishes to eat out of we had wooden bowls and spoons and eat til' we got full."

Sebia did not work in the field. She helped nurse the Williams children and helped with the weaving. She lived with her master as long as he lived.

This old ex-slave does not have a home. She lives with her relatives. At present she is living with her niece on Mr. John Webb's place about three miles west of Eutaw, Alabama.

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