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Jackson, Mary

Russellville, Arkansas

Age 75?

"My name is Mary Jackson, and I was born in Miller Grove, Hunt County, Texas during the War. No sir, I do not

know the year. Our master's name was Dixon, and he was a wealthy plantation owner, had lots of property in Hunt


"The days after the War--called the Reconstruction days, I believe--were sure exciting, and I can 'mind' a lot of

things the people did, one of them a big barbecue celebration commemoratin' the return of peace. They had

speeches, and music by the band--and there were a lot of soldiers carrying guns and wearing some kind of big

breastplates. The white children tried to scare us by telling us the soldiers were coming to kill us little colored

children. The band played 'Dixie' and other familiar tunes that the people played and sang in those days.

"Yes sir, I remember the Klu Klux Klan. They sure kept us frightened and we would always run and hide when we

heard they were comin'. I don't know of any special harm they done but we were afraid of em.

"I have been a member of the A. M. E. Church for forty years, and my children belong to the same church.

"No sir, I don't know if the government ever promised our folks anything--money, or land, or anything else.

"Don't ask me anything about this 'new generation' business. They're simply too much for me; I cannot understand

em at all.

Don't know whether they are coming or going. In our day the parents were not near so lenient as they are today. I

think much of the waywardness of the youth today should be blamed on the parents for being too slack in their


NOTE: Mrs. Jackson and her son live in a lovely cottage, and her taste in dress and general deportment are a credit

to the race.

Interviewer Miss Irene Robertson"

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