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Johnson, Mag

Clarendon, Arkansas

Age 65 or 70 ?

"Pa was born in North Ca'lina. Ma was born in Virginia. Their names George and Liza Fowler.

"Ma's fust owner what I heard her tell 'bout was Master Ed McGehee in Virginia. He's the one what brung her in a

crowd of nigger traders to Somerville, Tennessee. The way it was, a cavalry of Yankees got in back of them. The

nigger trader gang drive up. They got separated. My ma and her gang hid in a cave two weeks an' not much to eat.

The Yankees overtook 'em hid in the cave and passed on. Ma say one day the nigger traders drive up in front

McGehee's yard and they main heads and Master Ed had a chat. They hung around till he got ready and took off a

gang of his own slaves wid him. They knowed he was after selling them off when he left wid 'em.

"Ben Trotter in Tennessee bought ma and three more nigger girls. The Yankees took and took from 'em. They freed

a long time b'fore she knowed of. She said they would git biscuits on Sunday around. Whoop 'em if one be gone.

"Ole miss went out to the cow pen an' ma jus' a gal like stole outen a piece er pie and a biscuit and et it. The cook

out the cow pen too but the three gals was doing about in the house and yard. Ma shut polly up in the shed room.

Then she let it out when she eat up the pie and biscuit. Ole miss come in. Polly say, 'Liza shut me up, Liza shut me

up.' She missed the pie. Called all four the girls and ma said, 'I done at it.

I was so hungry.' Ole miss said that what polly talking 'bout, but she didn't understand the bird so very well. Ole

miss say, 'I'm goiner tell Ben and have him whoop you.' That scared all four the girls case he did whoop her which

he seldom done. She say when Master Ben come they stood by the door in a 'joining room. Ma say 'fore God ole

miss tole him. Master Ben sont 'em out to pick up apples. He had a pie a piece cooked next day and a pan of hot

biscuits and brown gravy, tole 'em to fill up. He tole 'em he knowed they got tired of corn batter cakes, milk and

molasses but it was best he had to give them till the War was done.

"Ma said her job got to be milking, raising and feeding the fowls, chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, and turkeys all.

The Yankees discouraged her. They come so many times till they cleaned 'em out she said.

"What they done to shut up polly's mouf was sure funny. He kept on next morning saying, 'Liza shut me up, Liza

shut me up.' Liza pulled up her dress and underskirt and walked back'ards, bent down at him. He got scared. He

screamed and then he hollered 'Ball-head and no eyes' all that day.

"Ma said they had corn shuckings and corn shellings and bruah burnings. Had music and square dancing plenty


"When they got free they didn't know what it was nor what in the world to do with it. What they said 'minds me of

folks now what got education. Seems like they don't know what to do nor where to put it.

"Pa said the nigger men run off to get a rest. They'd take to the woods and canebrakes. Once four of the best nigger

fellars on their master's place took to the woods for to git a little rest. The master and paddyrolls took after 'em.

They'd been down in there long 'nough they'd spotted a hollow cypress with a long snag of a limb up on it. It was in

the water. They got them some vines and fixed up on the snag.

They heard the dogs and the horn. They started down in the hollow cypress. One went down, the others coming on.

He started hollering. But he thought a big snake in there. He brought up a cub on his nearly bare foot. They clem out

and went from limb to limb till they got so away the dogs would loose trail. They seen the mama bear come and nap

four her cubs to another place. His foot swole up so. They had to tote my pa about. Next day the dogs bayed them

up in the trees. Master took them home, doctored his foot. Ast 'em why they runed off and so much to be doing.

They tole 'em they taking a little rest. He whooped them every one.

"Pretty soon the Yankees come along and broke the white folks up. Pa went wid the Yankees. He said he got grown

in the War. He fed horses for his general three years. He got arm and shoulder wounded, scalped his head. They

mustered him out and he got his bounty. He got sixty dollars every three months.

"He died at Holly Grove, Arkansas about fifty years ago. Them was his favorite stories."

Interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowden"

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