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King, Anna

(o) Age 80

Home 704 West Fifth , Pine Bluff, Ark.

"Yes honey, I was here in slavery times. I'se gittin' old too, honey. I was nine years old goin' on ten when the war

ceasted. I remember when they was volunteerin'. I remember they said it wasn't goin' to be nothin' but a breakfus'


"My fust marster was Nichols Lee. You see I was born in slavery times- and I was sold away from my mother. My

mother never did tell us nothin' 'bout our ages. My white people told me after freedom that I was 'bout nine or ten.

"When the white chillun come of age they drawed for the colored folks. Marse Nichols Lee had a girl named Ann

and she drawed me. She didn't keep me no time though, and the man what bought me was named Leo Andrew

Whitley. He went to war and died before the war ceasted. Then I feil to his brother Jim Whitley. He was my last

marster. I was with him when peace was declared. Yes man, he was good to me. All my white folks mighty good to

me. Co'se Jim Whitley's wife slap my jaws sometimes, but she never did take a stick to me.

"Lord honey, its been so long I just can't remember much now. I'se gittin' old and forgitful. Heap a things I

remember and heap a things slips from me and is gone.

"Well honey, in slavery times, a heap of 'em didn't have good owners. When they wanted to have church services

and keep old marster from hearin', they'd go out in the woods and turn the wash-pot upside down. You know that

would take up all the sound.

"I remember Adam Heath- he was called the meaneat white man. I remember he bought a boy and you know his

first marster was good and he mean't used to bein' treated bad.

One day he asked old Adam Heath for a chew of tobacco, so old Adam whipped him, and the boy ran away. But

they caught him and put a bell on him. Yes man, that was in slavery times. Honey, I had good owners. They didn't

believe in beatin' their niggers.

"You know my home was in North Carolina. I was bred and born in Johnson County.

I remember seein' the soldiers goin' to war, but I never seed no Yankee soldiers till after freedom.

"When folks heard the Yankees was comin' they run and hide their stuff. One time they hide the meat in the attie,

but the Yankees found it and loaded it in Everett Whitley's wife's surrey and took it away. She died just 'fore


"And I remember 'nother time they went to the smokehouse and got something to eat and strewed the rest over the

yard. Then they went in the house and jest ramshacked it.

"My second marster never had no wife. He was courtin' a girl, but when the war come,he volunteered. Then he took

sick and died at Manassais Gap. Yes'm, that's what they told me.

"My furst marster had a whiskey still. Now let me see, he had three girls and one boy and they each had two slaves

apiece. Ann Lee drawed me and my grandmother.

"No man, I never did go to school. You better not go to school. You better not ever be caught with a book in your

hand. Some of 'em slipped off and got a little learnin'. They'd get the old Blue Back book out. Heap of 'em got a

little learnin', but I didn't.

"When I fell to Jim Whitley's wife she kept me right in the house with her. Yes man, she was one good mistis to me

when I was a child.

She certainly did feed me and clothe me. Yes mam!

"How long I been in Arkansas? Me? Let me see, honey, if I can give you a guess. I been here 'bout forty years. I

remember they come to the old country(North Carolina) and say, if you come to Arkansas you wont even have to

cook. They say the hogs walkin' round already barbecued. But you know I knowed better than that.

"We come to John M. Gracie's plantation and some to Dr. Blunson(Brunson). I remember when we got off the boat

Dr. Blunson was sittin' there and he said "Well, my crowd looks Kinda puny and sickly, but I'm a doctor and I'll

save 'em." I stayed there eight years. We had to pay our transportation which was fifty dollars, but they sure did give

you plenty of somethin' to eat- yes mam!

"No'm my hair ain't much white. My set o'folks don't get gray much, but I'm old enough to be white. I done a heap a

hard work in my life. I hope clean up new ground and I tells folks I done everything 'cept Maul rails.

"Lord honey, I don't know chile. I don't know what to think. about this here younger generation. Now when they

raised me up, I took care of myself and the white folks done took care of me.

"Yes man, honey, I seed the Ku Klux. I remember in North Carolina when the Ku Klux got so bad they had to send

and get the United States soldiers. I remember one come and joined in with the Ku Klux till he found out who the

head man was and then he turned 'em up and they carried 'em to a prison place called Gethsemane. No mam! They

never come back. When they carried you to Gethsemane, you never come back.

"I say the Lord blest me in my old age. Even though I can't see, I set here and praise the Lord and say,Lord, you

abled me to walk and hear. Yes, honey,I'm sure glad you come. I'm proud you thought that much of me.

Good bye, and if you are ever passin' here again, stop and see me."

Interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowden"

King, Anna -- Additional Interview

704 W. Fifth (rear), Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Age 82

"I used to 'member lots but you know, my remembrance got short.

"I was bred and born in Johnston County, North Carolina. I was sold away from my mother but after freedom I got

back. I had a brother was sold just 'fore I was. My mother had two boys and three girls and my oldest sister was


"And then you know, in slavery times, when the white children got grown, their parents give 'em so many darkies.

My young missis drawed me.

"My fust master was such a drinker. Named Lee. Lawd a mercy, I knowed his fust name but I can't think now.

Young Lee, that was it.

"He sold me, and Leo Andrew Whitley bought me. Don't know how much--all I know is I was sold.

"After freedom I scrambled back to the old plantation and that's the way I found my mother.

"My last master never married. He had what they called a northern trotter.

"Wish I was able to get back to the old country and find some of my kin folks. If they ain't none of the old head

livin', the young folks is, I got oceans of kin folks in Sampson County.

"My husband was a preacher and he come to the old country from this here Arkansas. He always said he was going

to bring me out to this country. He was always tellin' me 'bout Little Hock and Hot Springs.

So I was anxious to see this country. So after he died and when they was emigratin' the folks here, I come. I

'member Dr. Blunson counted us out after we got off the boat and he said, 'Well, my crowd looks kinda sickly, but

I'm a doctor and I'll save you.' Lawd, they certainly come a heap of 'em. When the train uncoupled at Memphis,

some went to Texas, some to Mississippi, and some to Louisiana and Arkansas. People hollerin' 'Goodbye' made

you feel right sad.

"Some of 'em stayed in Memphis but I wouldn't stay 'cause dat's the meanest place in the world.

"John M. Gracie had paid out his money for us and I believe in doin' what's right. That was a plantation as sure as

you bawn."

Interviewer Miss Irene Robertson"

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