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Lee, Mary

1308 Texas Street, Pins Bluff, Arkansas

Age 74

"I was born in 1864, March the fourth, the year before the Civil War ended. All I know is what they told me and

what I read.

"Born in Texas, but my mother and father was both born in Georgia.

"My mother said her white folks was good to her. She was the house girl, she didn't have to work in no field.

"I went to school when I was six or eight, I don't remember which. I had right smart schooling.

"I remember my mother's young missis run off and got married. She was just a young girl, 'bout seventeen. That's

been a long time.

"I got a book sent to me a while back. It's a Catholic book--'History of Church and State.' Yes'm, I'm a Catholic.

Used to belong to the Methodist church, but I wouldn't be a Methodist no more. I like the Catholics. You would too

if you was one of 'em.

"I been here in Arkansas since 1891. That's goin' right on up the road.

"I can't do much work now, my breath gets short.

"I used to make thirty-five dollars a month washin' and ironin'. Oh, that was a long time 'fore the depression.

"I don't think nothin' of this younger generation. All goin' the same way. Oh Lord, you better let 'em alone, they

won't take no foolishness."

Interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowden"

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