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Prayer, Louise

3401 Short West Third, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Age 80

"I can member seein' the Yankees. My mother died when I was a baby and my grandmother raised me. I'se goin' on


"When the Yankees come we piled boxes and trunks in front of the doors and windows. She'd say, 'You chillun get

in the house; the Yankees are comin'.' I didn't know what 'twas about---I sure didn't.

"I'm honest in mind. You know the Yankees used to come in and whip the folks. I know they come in and whipped

my grandma and when they come in we chillun went under the bed. Didn't know no better. Why did they whip her?

Oh my God, I don't know bout dat. You know when we chillun saw em ridin' in a hurry we went in the house and

under the bed. I specks they'd a killed me if they come up to me cause they'd a scared me to death.

"We lived on the Williams' place. All belonged to the same people. They give us plenty to eat such as 'twas. But in

them days they fed the chillun mostly on bread and syrup. Sometimes we had greans and dumplin's. Jus' scald some

meal and roll up in a ball and drop in with the greens. Just a very few chickens we had. I don't love chicken though.

If I can jus' get the liver I'm through with the chicken.

"When I got big enough my grandmother had me in the field. I went to school a little bit but I didn't learn nothin'.

Didn't go long enough. That I didn't cause the old man had us in the field.

"If we chillun in them days had had the sense these got now, I could remember more bout things.

"I was a young missy when I married.

"I told you the best I could---that's all I know. I been treated pretty good."

(Texarkana District)

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