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Rivers, Alice

W. 17th, Highland Addition, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Age 81

"Yes'm, I remember when the Yankees come. I ricollect when they throwed out all the meat from old master's

smokehouse. The colored folks was tryin' to ketch it and I know I tried to ketch it too.

"Don't I look like I been here in Reb. time? I was born in Mississippi on Colonel Reed's place in 1857.

"I just know the Yankees come through. Had on blue coats with gold lookin' buttons. I never will forget it 'cause it

was so frightening.

"I can ricollect way back there.

"I don't know whether the white folks was good or not, we hardly ever sew 'em. Had a old woman that cooked for

the chillun at the quarters. I ricollect they had a big old kittle and she'd cook that full of somethin'. I know the old

lady give us plenty of somethin' to eat.

"All the white folks didn't treat their hands mean. Some of 'em was a fool 'bout them little niggers.

"Old woman what cooked for the chillun was old Aunt Henie and she walked half bent with a stick.

"I went to school some after freedom. Learned how to spell and read but not much writin'.

"I can't tell you 'bout no whippin's 'cause if they whipped the folks they didn't do it at the quarters where the chillun


"I been farmin' all my life till I come to Arkansas in 1916. Since then I first cooked and washed. I ain't worked out

in three years now.

"I gets a little pension from the Welfare and I make out on that. My granddaughter lives with me. She will finish

high school in May and then she can take care of herself.

"I used to own this place but it was sold for taxes. Don't make any difference if you is as old as Methuselah you got

to pay them taxes. Old Caeser started 'em and we've had to pay 'em ever since.

"Younger generation ain't mannerly now like they was when I was young. Chillun used to be obedient but they got

to have their way now. Old folks done put the chillun where they is now and they ought to take care of 'em.

"I don't know where the world gwine come to in the next five years. I reckon they'll all be dead way they're gwine

now. Storms takin' 'em away here and war in them other countries."

Interviewer Miss Irene Robertson"

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