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Singfield, Senya

1613 W. Second Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Age 74

"I was born in Washington, Virginia right at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My mother was sold when I was

a babe in her arms. She was sold three times. I know one time when she had four children she was sold and one of

my brothers was sold away unbeknownst to her. Her old master sold her away from her mistress. She was a cook

and never was mistreated.

"I ain't never been to school. When I got big enough, my mother was a widow and I had to start out and make a

living. I've always been a cook. Used to keep a boarding house, up until late years. I've washed and ironed, sewed a

right smart and quilted quilts. I've done anything I could to turn an honest living. Oh I've been through it but I'm still

here. I've been a widow over forty years.

"I think the folks nowdays are about run out. They are goin' too fast. When I was comin' up, I had to have some

manners. My mother didn't low me to 'spute nobody."

Interviewer Samuel S. Taylor"

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