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Smith, Frances

2224 Havis Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Age 77

"I specs I was born in slavery times. I remember seein' the Yankees. That was in Mississippi. I'm

seventy-seven---that's my age.

"Spencer Bailey was old master. Just remember the name was 'bout the biggest thing I knowed about. I seen him all

right but I didn't know much about him 'cept his name.

"Mother belonged to him, yes'm.

"I tell you the truf, what little I used to remember I done forgot it. I just didn't try to keep up with it. I wasn't

concerned and just didn't try to keep up with it.

"I know our folks stayed there a while. First place we want to after the War was Tennessee.

"I don't know how long I been here---I been here a time though.

"Yes'm, I went to school several terms.

"I was married in Arkansas. My folks heard about Arkansas bein' such a rich country, so they come to Arkansas.

"I farmed a long time and then I done housework.

"Deal a times I don't know what to think of this younger generation. I sits down sometimes and tries to study 'em

out, but I fails.

"Well, what the old folks goin' to get out of this?"

Interviewer Samuel S. Taylor"

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