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Bonds, Caroline

Russellville, Arkansas

Age 70

"What's all dis info'mation you askin' about goin' to be for? Will it help us along any or make times any better? All

right, then. My name's Caroline Bonds. I don't know jist exactly when I was born, but I think it was on de twentieth

of March about---about---yes, in 1866, in Anderson County, North Carolina.

"So you was a 'Tarheel' too? Bless my soul!

"My old master was named Hubbard, and dat was my name at first. My parents belonged to Marse Hubbard and

worked on his big plantation till day was freed.

"I was too little to remember much about what happened after de War. My folks moved to Arkansas County, in

Arkansas, soon after de War and lived down dere a long time.

"I joined de Missionary Baptis' Church when I was fifteen and has belonged to it ever' since.

"No sir, I never got in de habit of votin' and never did vote, never thought it was necessary."

Interviewer Samuel S. Taylor"

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