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White, Lucy

Marianna, Arkansas

Age 74

"I was born on Jim Banks' place close to Felton. His wife named Miss Puss. Mama and all of young master's niggers

was brought from Mississippi. I reckon it was 'fore I was born. Old master name Mack Banks. I never heard mama

say but they was good to my daddy. They had a great big place in Mississippi and a good big place over here.

"I recollect seeing the soldiers prance 'long the road. I thought they looked mighty pretty. Their caps and brass

buttons and canteens shining in the sun. They rode the prettiest horses. One of 'em come in our house one day. He

told Miss Puss he was goiner steal me. She say, 'Don't take her off.' He give me a bundle er bread and I run in the

other room and crawled under the bed 'way back in the corner. It was dark up under there. I didn't eat the bread then

but I et it after he left. It sure was good. I didn't recollect much but seeing them pass the road. I like to watch 'em.

My parents was field folks. I worked in the field. I was raised to work. I keep my clothes clean. I washed 'em. I

cooked and washed and ironed and done field work all. When I first recollect Marianna, Mr. Lon Tau and Mr. Free

Landing (?) had stores here. Dr. Steven (Stephen?) and Dr. Nunnaly run a drug store here. There was a big road

here. Folks started building houses here and there. They called the town Mary Ann fo' de longest time.

"Well, the white folks told 'em, 'You free.' My folks worked on for about twenty years. They'd give 'em a little

sompin outer dat crap.

They worked all sorter ways--that's right--they sure did. They rented and share cropped together I reckon after the

War ended.

"The Ku Klux never bothered us. I heard 'bout 'em other places.

"I never voted and I never do 'sepect to now. What I know 'bout votin'?

"Well, I tell you, these young folks is cautions. They don't think so but they is. Lazy, no'count, spends every cent

they gits in their hands. Some works, some work hard. They drink and carouse about all night sometimes. No

ma'am, I did not do no sich er way. I woulder been ashamed of myself. I would. Times what done run away wid us

all now. I don't know what to look for now but I know times changing all the time.

"I gets ten dollars and some little things to eat along. I say it do help out. I got rheumatism and big stiff j'ints

(enlarged wrist and knuckles)."

Interviewer Bernice Bowden."

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