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Clemons, Fannie

940 N. Washington

Age 78 El Dorado, Ark.

"I was born down in Farmerville, Louisiana in the year of 1860. Now my ma lived with some white people, but now

the name of the people I do not know. You see, child, I am old and I can't recollect so good. I didn't know my pa

cause my ma quit him when I was little. My ma said she worked hard in the field like a black stepchild. My ma had

nine chilluns and I was the oldest of the nine. She said her old miss wouldn't let her come to the house to nurse me,

so she would slip up under the house and crawl through a hole in the floor. She took and pulled a plank up so she

could slip through.

"I would drink any kind of water that I saw if I wanted a drink. If the white folks poured out wash water and I

wanted a drink that would do me. It just made me fat and healthy. Most we played was tussling, and couldn't no boy

throw me. Nobody tried to whip me cause they couldn't.

"We always cooked on fireplaces and our cake was always molasses cakes. At Christmas time we got candy and

apples, but these oranges and bananas and stuff like that wasn't out then. Bananas and oranges just been out a few

years. And sugar - we did not know about that. We always used sugar from molasses. I don't think sugar been in

session long. If it had I did not get it.

"I got married when I was pretty old. I lived with my husband eight years and he died. I had some children, but I

stole them. The biggest work I ever done was farm and we sure worked."

Interviewer Watt McKinney"

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