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Dillon, Katie

307 Hazel Street, Pins Bluff, Arkansas

Age 82

"I hope I was here in slavery days --- don't I look like it? I was a good big girl after surrender.

"I was born in Rodney, Mississippi in 1855.

"I had a good old master --- Doctor Williams. Didn't have no mistress. He never married till after surrender.

"We lived right in town --- right on the Mississippi River where the gun boats went by. They shelled the town one

day. Remember it just as well as if 'twas now. I hope it was exciting. Everybody moved out. Some run and left their

stores. They run to Alcorn University, five miles from there. Some of em come back next day and some never come

back till after surrender.

"The old Doctor bought my mother when she was twelve years old. When she got big enough she was the cook.

Made a fine one too. I worked around the house and toted in wood and water.

"After surrender, Dr. Williams wanted my mother to give me and my brother to him and he would give her a home,

but she wouldn't. I wish she had but you know I wasn't old enough to know what was best. She hired out and took

us with her. I hired out too. I reckon I was paid but I never did see it. I reckon my mother collected it. I know she

clothed me. I had better clothes than I got now. We stayed there till we come to Arkansas. I was married then. I

married when I was seventeen. I was fast wasn't I? I got a good husband. Didn't have to work, only do my own

work. Just clean up the house and garden and tend to the chickens. My husband was a picture man. Yes'm, I've lived

in town all my life --- born and raised up in town.

"After surrender I went to the first free school ever was in Rodney, Mississippi. I went about two sessions. I ought

to've learned more'n I did but I didn't see how it would benefit me.

"In slavery days we used to go right to the table and eat after the white folks was through. We didn't eat out of no

pots and pans. Whatever was on the table you et it until you got enough.

"When I was comin' up and they was goin' to have a private ball, they sent out invitations and I went, but when they

had that kind where everybody could go I wouldn't a gone to one of then for nothin'.

"The way things is goin' now I don't think the end can be very far off.

"I remember when peace was declared I saw the soldiers across the street and they had their guns all stacked. I was

lookin' and wonderin' what it was. You know children didn't ask questions in them days. I heard some of the older

ones talkin' and I heard em say the war was over.

"I never had but two children and only one livin' now. Yes'm, I own my home and my son helps me what he can.

I'm thankful I got as much as I have."

(El Dorudo District)

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