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Milton, Julia

(Interviewed by Elizabeth Watsen-1936)

Place of Birth: On the Jack Garrett Plantation in Putnam County, Georgia Date of Birth: About 1850

"Aunt" Julia's father was born in Virginia; her mother, in Putnam County, Georgia. Their owner's plantation was located about 5 miles from Sparta and there, in 1865, she heard of the slaves being freed.

As slaves, her father was a field hand and her mother a weaver. No Negro whipping was done on this plantation ---owned by a Mr. Walker, except as the "Niggers needed it", and none of Julia's family was ever whipped at all.

Shortly after freedom Julia began her courting career, ending in an early marriage. Her husband still survives. Both are now incapacitated for work and depend entirely upon white and colored friends for the necessities of life.

Malinda Mitchell 1023 Daniel Street, Augusta, Ga. Born 1853 (Edith Bell Love Interviewer)

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