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Myles, Nettie


Place of Birth:

On the Stacker Howard Plantation, near Fort Mitchell, Alabama

Date of Birth:

About 1845

Present Residence:

In rear of 1018 - 6th Avenue, Columbus, Ga.


July 30, 1936

"Aunt" Nettie Myles is just another old-time ex-slave. She was the chattel of Mr. Stacker Howard, an Alabama planter, for whom she entertains the kindest memories.

She had been married once, but never had a child. Today, in her old age, bed-ridden and probably in her last illness, she is nursed and cared for by other members of her race. Her nearest living relative, so far as she knows, is a sister, Sallie George, aged about 85, now living on Baldwin Street, in Girard, Alabama.

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