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Foster, Analiza

An interview with Analiza Foster, 68 of 1120 South Blount Street, Raleigh, North Carolina.

"I was borned in Person County ter Tom Line an' Harriet Cash. My mammy belonged ter a Mr. Cash an' pappy belonged ter Miss Betsy Woods. Both of dese owners was mean ter dere slaves an' dey ain't carin' much if'en dey kills one, case dey's got planty. Dar was one woman dat I hyard mammy tell of bein' beat clean ter death.

"De 'oman was pregnant an' she fainted in de fiel' at de plow. De driver said dat she was puttin' on, an' dat she ort ter be beat. De master said dat she can be beat but don't ter hurt de baby. De driver says dat he won't, den he digs a hole in de sand an' he puts de 'oman in de hole, which am nigh 'bout ter her arm pits, den he kivers her up an' straps her han's over her haid.

"He takes de long bull whup an' he cuts long gashes all oevr her shoulders an' raised arms, den he walks off an' leabes her dar fer a hour in de hot sun. De flies an' de gnats dey worry ner, an' de sun hurts too an' she cries a little, den de driver comes out wid a vinegar, salt an' red pepper an' he washes de gashes. De 'oman faints an' he digs her up, but in a few minutes she am stone dead.

"Dat's de wust case dat I'se eber hyard of but I reckon dar was plenty more of dem.

"Ter show yo' de value of slaves 'bout my gran'ma. She was sold on de block four times. an' eber time she brung a thousand dollars. She was valuable case she was strong an' could plow day by day, den too she could have twenty chilluns an' wuck right on.

"De Yankees come through our country an' dey makes de slaves draw water fer de horses all night. Course dey stold eber'thing dey got dere han's on but dat was what ole Abraham Lincoln tol' dem ter do.


N. C. District No. 2 Subject: A SLAVE STORY No. Words: 570 Story Peller: Georgisnna Foster Worker: T. Pat Latthews Editor: George L. Andrews"

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