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Riser, Susie

"I was born near Broad River in de Dutch Fork of Newberry County. I was a slave of Cage Suber. He was a fair master, but nothing to brag about. I was small at slavery time and had to work in de white folks' house or around the house until I was big enough to go to de field and work.

"Old Marse Cage always made me fan flies off of him when he lay down to take a nap. The fan was made out of brushes.

"De white folks had cotton-pickings, corn-shuckings and quiltings. Dey allus had something to eat at the frolics and I had to help wid 'em.

"I married John Riser. I moved to town several years ago."

Source: Susie Riser (80), Newberry, S.C.

Interviewer: G.L. Summer, Newberry, S.C., May 17, 1937.

(Project #1655, Grant, Henry, Columbia, S. C., ISOM ROBERTS, EX-SLAVE 80 YEARS OLD)

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