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Sherold, Charlotte

Writer: "When is your church to have a revival, Charlotte?"

Charlotte: "We ain't goin to have a revival 'til November, end of 'ea - look like the cullud people don't feel like prayin 'til the end of 'ear. When you once get converted you just keep prayin' - and you ge wisdom more and more -an it isn't anything hard."

Writer: "Do you believe in good and bad spirits?"

Charlotte: "That is, when you travelin'. When you are first (converted) you got to travel with good and bad spirits."

Writer: "Do you ever see spirits?"

Charlotte: "If you born with a caul, you see ghoses * * * sometimes y hair rises on your head."

Writer: "I wouldn't ask any good person if they believed in hags."

Charlotte: "But dat goin on right now; people say a hag ride me las'

Writer: "And what do you do for that?"

Charlotte: "Well, ma'am, sprinkle roun' sulphur; we had a place like and me husband burn sulphur, an we didn'thave any more trouble. Good people don't have time for those things."

Writer: "Are you afraid to die?"Charlotte: "No, ma'am, but I don't want to go before me time. My soul is nothin' but wind, and dat all we have. Theframe is nothing."

The writer here told Charlotte about the play, "Creen Pastures," and asked her if she believed the Lord was a black

man. She was both shocked and amused.Charlotte: "How can we believe it; the Lord must be white, because I never saw any other kind of people rise andredeem!" Then Charlotte began to laugh: "If de Lord was a big black man, white people would sure haf to run fromhim - I for one would run from him." Charlotte continued, "God made two nations, the white and the black, andwhen we go to Heaven we are all alike. These other nations are made by philosophers in other lands.

"We have a play in our church, 'Heaven Bound', and everybody dresses in white like the angels - the devil is a blackman dressed in red. I believe that if you go to the devil with badness, you get pitched over to the devil to stay."Writer: "Does the devil make you work?"Charlotte: "No, ma'am, you got to go in that fire and keep rolling over and over, burning."Writer: ""What do you think Heaven is like?"Charlotte: "Heaven is everlasting rest."

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