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Haynes, Dolly


"I nebber was no rockin' chair setter. I aint nebber had no time to set down and do nuthin'. I was born at Euta South Carolina. We belong to Marse Charlie Baumer. My Ma died and lef four motherless chillun but de missus was mighty good to us- call us her chillun. Pa rung de bell on de plantation fur ter wake de slaves up fur to go to de fiel'. My Missus was blind but she was a mighty kin' lady. Mek de cook bring plate of vittals to see of it was heavy nough for her little chillun.

"After freedom all us moved wid de Marse and Missus to Childs, South Carolina and I mar'd Paul Haynes, who belonged to old Colonel Hampton.

"Paul wanted to preach but nedder of us had no learnin' an' I say to Paul, 'Does you think you got nough learnin' to lead a flock of people? I don' wan' you to git up an' mek me shame.' I tell him to go to de Benedicts an' see what book he needs to study, come by town bring me a pair of broggans for me, 'cause I was a-gwine to wuk and he was a-gwine to school. For t'ree long years I plowed de farm an' sent Paul to de Benedicts 'til he was edicated. De briars cut my legs an' de breshes tore my skirt, but I tuck up de skirt an' plow right on 'til I bought my little farm. Paul bin dead now 'bout twelve years, but he preached right up to de day he died.

"I got a neffu but I lives alone, wen deys some one in de house I puts down and dey picks up- I cleans up and dey tears up.

I don' owe nobody nuthin'. Wen de nurvus spells leaves me an' I feels a little strong in de legs I wuks mah garden. I loves to be doin' somethin' to keep clean, 'cause I jes aint no rockin chair setter".

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