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Harper, Eda

819 West Pullon Street; Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Age 95

"Now what you went with me? I was born in Mississippi. I come here tollable young. I'se ninety-three now.

"My old master mean to us. We used to watch for him to come in the big gate, then we run and hide. He used to

come to the quarters and make us chillun sing. He make us sing Dixie. Sometimes he make us sing half a day.

Seems like Dixie his main song. I tell you I don't like it now. But have mercy! He make us sing it. Seems like all the

white folks like Dixie. I'se glad when he want away to war.

"But they used to feed you. Heap better meat than you get now. I tell you they had things to eat in them days.

"I 'member when the soldiers was comin' through and runnin' the white folks both ways. Law chile -- you don't

know nothin'! We used to hide in the cistern. One time when the Yankees come in a rush my brother and me hide in

the feather bed.

"When the war ended, white men come to the field and tell my mother-in-law she free as he is. She dropped her hoe

and danced up to the turn road and danced right up into old master's parlor. She want so fast a bird could a not on

her dress tail. That was in June. That night she sent and got all the neighbors and they danced all night long.

"I never went to school a day in my life. I wish I could read but they ain't no use wishin' for spilt milk.

"How long I been in Arkansas? Let me see how many chillun I had since I been to Arkansas. Let me see -- I fotch

four chillun with me and I's the mother of ten.

"Yes'm I sho' has worked hard. I worked in the field and cooked and washed and ironed. But oh Lord I likes my


"I couldn't tell you what I think of this present generation. They is just like a hoss on the battle field -- white and

black. They say 'Grandma, you just an old fogy.'

"I think they is another slave-time gal down in the next block. You want me to show you?"

Name of interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowden

Subject Signs and Superstitions

"In slavery times you used to carry a rabbit foot in your pocket to keep old massa from whippin' you."

This information given by Eda Harper( )

Place of residence 819 W. Pullen Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Occupation________________________Age 90

Name of interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowden

Subject Games of Pre-War Days

"We used to play a game called 'Once Over.' Throw a bell over the house and if they caught it on the other side,

they'd run around and try to catch you.

"Then we used to play 'Hide the Switch.' And if you found it, the others all run to keep from bein' hit. Oh Lawd,

that's been a long time."

This information given by Eda Harper( )

Place of residence 819 W. Pullen, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Occupation NoneAge 90

Interviewer Watt McKinney"

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