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Harris, Mary

713 H. Plum Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Age 82

"I was born right here in Arkansas and I remember they was havin' somethin'. I remember when they taken this

town (Pine Bluff). The people what owned me was the parson of the Methodist church -- Parson Walsh. Yes ma'm I

knowed the Union soldiers was dressed in blue and the Secessors was called Greybacks. My father was with the

Yankee soldiers. I don't know how he got with em but I know he was gone away from this town three years. He

come back here after he was mustered out in Vicksburg.

"I remember the Yankee soldiers come and took the colored folks away if they wanted to go. That was after

surrender. They carried us to the 'county band' and fed us.

"I know the day the Yankees taken Pine Bluff; it was on Sunday and Marse Jesse went to services. The Secessor

soldiers left Pine Bluff. Of course I didn't understand what it was all about cause in them times people didn't

enlighten children like they does now. They know everything now, ain't no secrets.

"Most work I've done is washin' and ironin' since I been a fullgrown, married woman. I was twenty some odd when

I was married. I know I was out of my teens.

"I went to school a good while after the war. My first teacher was Mr. Todd from the North.

"I used to do right smart sewing. I did sewing before machines come to this town. The frocks they used to make had

from five to ten yards.

"He is livin' now in a time of worry. What they is doin' is told about in the scripture."

Interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowden"

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