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Davis, Rosetta

Marianna, Arkansas

Aga 55

"I was born in Phillips County, Arkansas. My folks' master was named Dr. Jack Spivy. Grandma belong to him. She

was a field woman. I don't know if he was a good master er not. They didn't know it was freedom till three or four

months. They was at work and some man come along and said he was going home, the War was over. Some of the

hands asked him who win and he told them the Yankees and told them they was free fer as he knowed. They got to

inquiring and found out they done been free. They made that crap I know and I don't recollect nothing else.

"I farmed at Foreman, Arkansas for Taylor Price, Steve Pierce, John Huey. I made a crap here with Will Dale. I

come to Arkansas twenty-nine years ago. I come to my son. He had a cleaning and pressing shop here (Marianna).

He died. I hired to the city to work on the streets. I never been in jail. I owned a house here in town till me and my

wife separated. She caused me to lose it. I was married once.

"I get ten dollars a month from the gover'ment.

"The present time is queer. I guess I could git work if I was able to do it. I believe in saving some of what you make

along. I saved some along and things come up so I had to spend it. I made so little.

"Education has brought about a heap of unrest somehow. Education is good fer some folks and not good fer some.

Some folks git spoilt and lazy. I think it helped to do it to the people of today."

Interviewer Miss Irene Robertson"

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