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Davis, Winnie

Interviewer Mrs. Bernice Bowdan

Subject Er-Slaves

"Katie Butler was my old missis 'fore I married my husband. His name David Davis. I cooked for Jeff Davis and

took care of his daughter, Winnie. I stayed with old missis, Jeff Davis' wife, till she died. She made me promise I'd

stay with her. That was in Virginia."

(I have made three trips trying to get information and pictures of Winnie Davis. Her granddaughter said that a good

many years ago when Winnie's mind was good, she was down town shopping and that when she gave her name, the

clerk said, "Were you named after Jeff Davis' daughter?" and that Winnie replied, "She must have been named after

me 'cause I cooked for Jeff Davis 'fore she was born."

Her mind is not very good at times, but the day I took her picture, I asked who she used to cook for and she said,

"Jeff Davis."

She is rather deaf, nearly blind and toothless, but can get around the house quite well. The neighbors say that she

has been a hard worker and of a very high-strung temperament.

The granddaughter, Mattie Sneed, says her grandmother said she was sold in Virginia when she was eight years


This information given by Winnie Davis(c)

Place of residence 304 E. Twenty-First Street

Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Occupation None Age 100

Interviewer Bernice Howden."

Davis, Winnie -- Additional Interview

Winnie Davis is between ninety-five and a hundred. Her mind is almost gone and she can see only a little but is able

to walk around the house.

Her granddaughter said she used to cook for Jeff Davis and that his daughter Winnie was named after her. Her

maiden name was Winnie Pinkham and she married David Davis. She said she used to cut out her husband's shirts

with her teeth.

Field, Sally El Dorado, Arkansas (Carol Graham)

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